As most of my friends know, I started to work at Forever21 in Ginza. It was my dream store to work at! Since I'm interested in fashion business, I decided that it's a good opportunity to get some experience for my future. So when I got accepted to this work, I was all excited and hyped up.
My first day was on April 27th. We had school on that day, and so I wasn't at school mode all day. I started to worry about all the possible things you might question. Since Forever21 in Ginza had opened on the 27th, I knew it was going to be packed and crazy. Plus, it was the first day of golden week.
I got there and was so surprised by the ammount of people going crazy over clothes. Everyone pushing, guards shouting, etc. I met the floor manager and I was assigned to put back clothes from the changing room and pick up clothes that were on the floor... for the whole five hours. Since it was my first day, I didn't expect to do anything big. However, it was so much more painful than I had ever thought. Customers asked me thousands of questions such as "Where is this clothes?" "What is size S in japanese size?', and I wouldn't even know a single answer to them. I was running around picking up clothes and putting them back. My legs were sore, I was hungry (I didnt eat anything for 10 hours), plus I had no coworker friends that were nice to me. They all demanded me to this and that, and it was mentally really frustrating and tiring. I guess what I want to say, is that things may not be the way you think they are. Maybe dreams are better off as dreams. That's when I decided that I couldn't take this work anymore.
Yes, it was my first day to work at Forever21, and I quitted. I used to work at a convenience store, but there were too many problems going on in the store, that I decided to quit. That was when I found Forever21. After knowing how it's like to work at Forever21, I really miss working at a convenience store. I was able to make so many nice coworkers friends, and I really miss them right now.
That is why I am finding a new convenience store to work at. And I am hoping that I can make amazing friends there, and be able to enjoy my work :)
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